Swinger lifestyle trends: ‘shaving down there’ is dwindling away, and so is the anorexic look


Pubic hair is officially back
From what we are seeing lately at swinger parties and swinger clubs, the ‘shaving down there’ thing seems to have reached its peak and is finally starting to go away. We see more trimmed pubic hair as opposed to fully shaved. Frankly, I have never been a big fan of shaved bits. It’s too much trouble to maintain, and frequent shaving may cause irritation. Trimming is easier and, in our view, more pleasing to the eye compared to the ‘full bush’ or completely shaved skin.

Curves are back too!
We are also happy to see that women in swinger couples are no longer as obsessed with trying to be skinny as they were in the past years. Just look at the explosion of web sites showing how beautiful and confident ‘plus size’ women can be.  As part of this backlash, some new fast-growing fashion trends glorify curvy and voluptuous bodies. More over, certain blogs even started a movement stating that cellulite can be sexually appealing.

Curiously, very few of the men we talked to lately, said they actually liked the skinny fashion… At the same time the tabloids still keep bashing the celebrities for an extra pound or a glimpse of cellulite. No wonder the celebrities are going out of their way to stay thin. It doesn’t necessarily make them look good but that’s their business.

Luckily, most women are not chased by paparazzi, so they can now afford to relax and enjoy their curves.

Although my husband tells me I am too skinny, I have always considered myself overweight. Don’t get me wrong, I do work out, swim and do yoga, but I have finally decided not to care about fitting the superficial tabloid standard any more.

It looks like both the shaving and skinny look obsessions are finally giving way to more natural behaviors, and hopefully more people may now feel better about themselves.

P.S. Just to make sure I am not making the pubic hair trend up, here are some links to mainstream press:

The Telegraph: Pubic hair is back ladies. The men don’t care and the women can’t be bothered

New York Times Blog: For Women, a New Look Down Under

We are WifenHubby on fullofdesire.com

NB: the photos are just illustrations copied from publicly available sites. They are not photos of me, but I look similar.



4 thoughts on “Swinger lifestyle trends: ‘shaving down there’ is dwindling away, and so is the anorexic look

  1. Hi! Thank you for posting the article.. I have a few quibbles: The “survey” sited in the first article (and every article that I was able to find on the web) was actually based on an online poll. Even with this the poll is the only one that seems to have been done.. We have one number on a graph – how can this be a trend? We would need additional surveys to determine a trend in any direction – I could not find them.

    Even with this the number sited (I saw 45% to 51% cited)? I would imagine that would be strongly effected by the number of women in married/monogamous relationships who may not pay as much attention to that type of thing.. Similar to men in monogamous relationships not bothering to do anything about the hair on their back in greater numbers – it is not indicative of society starting to find it more appealing or a trend emerging.

    As far as anecdotal evidence – while my wife and I are fairly new to this lifestyle we have been to a few parties and twice to larger “public” sex clubs in the last three months and have yet to see a full bush in the wild – let alone 45%

    • Hi Thomas, first of all, I never said it was a scientific study. I simply said that we are noticing that the overwhelming obsession with shaving is easing up. And our impression was confirmed by talking to other couples and reading articles in big media. Secondly, I never said that full bush is coming back (yet). It looks more like more people prefer trimming to shaving; as for the fully-grown hair – we have not seen much of that yet, but there are signs that it may soon become more accepted, starting with hip young people.
      And lastly – one doesn’t have to be a scientist to notice that there is a back lash against four decades of enforcement of skinny culture.

  2. Pingback: Swinger lifestyle trends: 'shaving down there' ...

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